martes, 19 de junio de 2012

My favorite dog breeds

Well, it's really hard for me choose a dog breed, because my favorite dog are the "quiltros". They are an excellent company, especially when there are childs in the house. Also they are very loyal and affectionate with the people they know.

Anyways,  its time to choose a dog breed.

If I had to choose a dog breed, that would be the Siberian Husky. Please dont ask me why, because I dont have a particular reason. They just are perfect for me.
His color hair its very beautiful and his white eyes too. They are good guard and not hard to train.

Well, another breed that caught my attention was Akita, for the film Hachiko. I dont know much about this breed, but in the movie, Akita was very loyal and protector with his master, and I love it.

I am really happy with my quiltros, but could be interesting raise a Husky or Akita. I hope someday have the opportunity for do it.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Me (the guys with the guitar) and my old classmates.
wow! I finally found a photo that I like on this computer!
was really  hard because my old hard drive is unusable.

Well, I like this picture because can remember old and good times in high school. Im not sure, but i think this picture was taken by the principal of my school.
This photograph shows my old classmates enjoying the anniversary of my school. That day we were  singing for a competition the song "Imagine" (John Lennon).

I remember all about that day because we won that competition and was really fun.

Today, i dont see my old friends very often because i dont have much time, but some of them are studying at this camus. The guy with the flag is studying at agronomy faculty and the first girl in the middle row is still my classmate here.

When I have more time, I would like have fun with my old friends again.

Why do i want to be a vet?

Well...I love the veterinary medicine since i was a child, but I cant remember how the veterinay medicine was made my dream. Maybe my dogs was the reason of that, but im not sure.

when i was studying in the high school, i worked a lot with farm animals and fell in love with them. After, in the summer, i worked at CONAF, and since then my dream was been the wild animals.
As you can see, i wanted to be a vet all my life.

One time i was confused because i love the music too, so i was not sure whether study  veterinary medicine or music. But then i said to myself  " I can't live for my music in this country, the only way it could be become a teacher, and i dont wanna be a teacher".
Now, Im really happy with this career, sometimes its really hard, but the veterinary medicine worth it.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

My favourite Animal

Definitely, the fox is the most beautiful animal in the world.
I like this animal because they are really intelligent and his behavior is very interesting.
They have a thin snout, pointed ears and a big tail. The most known specie is the Red Fox. Unfortunately the red fox doesn't live in our country.
It´s really hard approach the fox because they are very shy. When they see humans, they hide in the bushes.

Foxes can eat little animals such ass rabbit or mice. Sometimes can eat berries too,
If you see a fox, dont scare him. In Chile, they are in danger of extinction. Curiously, in Austraila, the red fox is a plague.
If you want help the conservation of the fox in Chile, don't leave your garbage in the Natural Reserves, and never go with your pet. Domestical animals can pass diseases to the foxes.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

My Music

well, now  I want to speak something about my favourite music. I love all the music, specially Rock and Metal.
That's maybe one of the reason because i learned play guitar. I play guitar in my free time. Sometimes alone in home, and other times with some friend. i dont have a band yet.

I cant chose just one band, because i like all, but I going speak about System Of A Down.
I hear SOAD since i have 12 years old. Their have a lot of songs, some are energetic, others sad. They play with energy and the vocalist sing really good. My favourite disc is Mezmerize, released in 2005.
If i need chose some songs of this album, that would be Question!
Listen and enjoy it!

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

who am i...?

Felipe Berríos Oyarzún was born in Santiago, Chile.At elementary school, he studied at Complejo Eduacional Consolidada in Puente Alto. After that, he finished his hight school studies at Escuela Agroecologia de Pirque.
He started his unversity studies of Veterinary Medicine in 2011 at Universidad de Chile. He want work with wild animals in the future. He think there are so much animals in dangerous of extintion that need help.

Today, he is living in Puente Alto with his familiy. His father have the same name of him and work in BMW ass counter. His mother, Ana, work near home in a notary. And his brother Fabian is 10 years old and is studing in elementary school.

Felipe love the music. He play guitar for almost 4 years, and now, he is trying to play laud. but is a little hard. He dont have a band yet, but sometimes he play with his friends.
Also, he like play online videogames and RPG videogames. His favourite games are World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Final Fantasy games, and The Legend of Zelda games.
He like do trekking. All month end he go to some Nature Reserve to make photographies and enjoy the landscape